Patagonia strongly urges swift passage of the once-in-a-generation opportunity to avoid a worsening climate crisis and to give working families the support they deserve now. To pay for this critical legislation, Patagonia is willing to pay a higher corporate tax rate and we urge Congress to also consider ending subsidies for the extractive industries.


The climate investments would accelerate an energy economy based on wind and solar, fund the Civilian Climate Corps and protect threatened landscapes such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The paid leave provisions would enable people to return to the labor force by addressing the urgent issues of child care availability, sick leave and work/life balance. Paid sick and parental leave is a win for all: Patagonia has offered these policies for nearly 50 years and have seen the positive outcomes firsthand. 


Earlier today, Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert appealed to Senator Joe Manchin (LINK) and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (LINK) to pass the budget reconciliation package. But it is our hope that all members of Congress consider their communities, especially those on the frontlines of the climate and economic crisis, as they consider this legislation.  


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