Updated: January 18, 2022

The right to vote is a priority for Patagonia because it creates the foundation for progress on everything we care about. Thriving communities and the fate of our planet rely on electing leaders who share our sense of urgency. And that relies on every eligible voter having equal access to the ballot.    

In 2020, nearly two-thirds of eligible voters cast a ballot in the general election. Patagonia was proud to play a role in that success through the nonpartisan initiative we co-founded called Time to Vote, which resulted in nearly 2,000 CEOs coming together to provide resources for American workers to vote. We also recruited and placed poll workers and gave paid time off to our employees to volunteer and vote. Last spring, we donated $1 million to groups working to protect and advance voting rights. Regardless of party affiliation, we sent a clear message to our employees that voting was important, and we were making time for them to participate in our democratic system. 

After the 2020 election, Democratic and Republican officials from every state confirmed (several times over in some states), there was no widespread fraud. And yet, in 2021, at least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to voting and more than 440 bills with provisions restricting voting access were introduced in 49 states. Regardless of the motivations of those championing this legislation, the impact will be felt most by people of color, students, the elderly, and people with disabilities. 

I am calling on the business community to join us in urging the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. This federal bill will help ensure election integrity and that you and your neighbor have equitable access to the ballot box. 

 The fate of our democracy, and ultimately, the planet is at stake. 

 To join us in urging the Senate to act, please callemail or tweet your senators.