Albania takes an important step towards protecting the Vjosa forever as government signs commitment to collaborate on Europe’s first Wild River National Park 

June 13, 2022 - Today, the Albanian government took the historic step of signing a commitment to collaborate with Patagonia on the establishment of a Vjosa Wild River National Park. In Tirana, this morning, Prime Minister Edi Rama, Minister for Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro, and Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert joined Albanian and international NGOs from the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign, in a ceremony to mark the public signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two parties. 

The agreement states that the Albanian government and Patagonia will work together to upgrade the protection level of the basin and the river ecosystem of the Vjosa River and its free-flowing tributaries to the IUCN Category II Level National Park. This is a major step closer to establishing Europe’s first-ever Wild River National Park and safeguarding the last big, wild river of Europe, forever. 

The Vjosa River and its free-flowing tributaries form an ecosystem with substantial biodiversity of national and global significance, and the outstanding scenic values of the valley are the result of undisturbed natural processes. The ecosystem is host to more than 1,100 species of animals, including 13 globally threatened animal and two plant species. These ecological and cultural values provide great opportunities for eco-tourism and other economic benefits to the people in the region. 

The Memorandum of Understanding between The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania and Patagonia includes the agreements: 

  • Parties will work to increase the protection level of Vjosa River to the level of IUCN Category II: National Park.

  • The National Park shall include the Vjosa river and its free-flowing tributaries.

  • Within 45 days of signing this MoU, the Parties shall establish a Working Group, headed by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment.

  • The Working Group will deliver a complete proposal for the National Park to the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, that includes, among other things, the zoning and boundaries of the National Park, stakeholder consultation, and eco-tourism opportunities. 

Prime Minister Edi Rama says: “Albania’s Vjosa is nature’s unrelenting force, the only survivor of the wild rivers of our continent, the last river vein that bears no trace of contamination from the industrial development that has morphed Europe’s rivers into animals tamed for the energy-generation circus. 

“Vjosa will remain the only wild water body that, just like on the day of its creation, will continue to bear witness to the wonder that once were the European riverbeds. Under the protective cloak of the National Park, Vjosa will stay intact for Albania, for Europe, for the planet we want for our children’s children.”

Minister for Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro says: “In Albanian, Vjosa is both a river and a woman’s name. Indeed, Vjosa is the most perfect metaphor for Albanian nature - with its pearl-white stones that captivate the eye, the pebble islets with burgeoning wildflowers that speak in the language of the creatures populating this corner of Albania. It is a river that runs on a bed as old as the world, its meanders opening the doors to the frontier with the Greek neighbour, then flowing into the Adriatic Sea. 

“But Vjosa is also a symbol of the human history of an important part of Albania, where the woman who nurtures the heart and hearth is the queen of the house, just like Vjosa is the ‘wild queen’ of European rivers. It defends its throne with a beautiful vigour, its tresses resembling those of the women of Permet, Gjirokastra, Tepelena, Mallakastra, Vlora, Fier, Memaliaj, Kelcyra, with the colours and shades of the sun-kissed skin of the girls of Selenica, where Shushica runs, and even those of Libohova, where Drino flows. This inseparable marriage of Nature and Man is our new project for a sustainable development of Vjosa National Park.”

Patagonia CEO Ryan Gellert says: “Albania’s leaders have shown vision and commitment today, signaling to the world their intention to do something unprecedented in nature protection. Through our long-standing partnership with the NGOs behind the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign, we have learned first-hand just how exceptional the Vjosa is and are therefore humbled to work alongside the government and groups, devoting our skills and expertise to the establishment of Vjosa Wild River National Park.”  

The environmental NGOs, businesses, local communities and others are committed to supporting the long-term aim of establishing the national park and offer their support in planning. With official, actionable steps, this unparalleled biodiversity hotspot will set a precedent for future nature protection in Europe. 


Note: This is a joint press release by The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania and Patagonia.

About the Vjosa River in Albania 

The Vjosa River in Albania is the last big, wild river in Europe, outside of Russia. The river and its tributaries flow freely from the mountains in Greece to the Adriatic coast in Albania. This wilderness area is made up of an enormous mosaic of different habitat types, from the narrow gorges in the upper part, to the wide braided river sections in the middle part, to the near-natural delta at the Adriatic Sea. The middle stretch alone is made up of at least eight habitat types that have the highest conservation importance, at EU level. 

The surrounding watershed provides the villages with fertile land for agricultural activities such as crop production and livestock farming. The abundance and diversity of fish is vital for the well-being of local fishermen mostly in the lower part of the Vjosa. Eco-tourism on the Vjosa and its tributaries is ever-increasing, particularly in recent years in which enthusiasts have started to enjoy activities such as rafting, canoeing, kayaking and swimming.

About Patagonia 

Founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973, Patagonia is based in Ventura, California. A certified B Corp, Patagonia is in business to save our home planet. The company is recognized internationally for its commitment to authentic product quality and environmental activism, contributing nearly $145 million in grants and in-kind donations to date. 

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